Who is
Looney Lenny?
Founder and head of the Clown-O-Rific posse, Looney Lenny, is one of NYC's most popular children's entertainers. From class clown to professional clown, Looney Lenny's alter ego, Andrew Hammer is a graduate of NYU's Tisch School of the Arts where he studied acting, directing, and playwriting.
Looney Lenny and his clown friends have been making weekly visits to seriously ill children at local hospitals for OVER 28 years. Over the last two decades, they've made 500-800 visits a year.
Looney Lenny has also put up live theatrical shows such as Looney Lucky Lenny Land (Off-Broadway) and is currently filming a new project ... so stay tuned!
Looney Lenny brings more than magic; his mesmerizing energy and hilarious persona fill any space with a cloud of happiness. Light-hearted and quick-witted, Looney Lenny blends jokes for all levels of the audience -- from toddlers to parents.